New grounds removed my videos for some reason, not sure why but it sure gave me a startle ngl XD
I had deleted the original videos from my editing software I had exported them from so Newgrounds presumably would be the only way I could watch the videos, though after they were removed from here I was lucky enough to realize that they were still in the bin on my device so I was able to recover them!
Not sure if I should repost them though, considering they were already taken down, but I wasn’t informed why they were deleted they’re just gone, so should I try again? Help qwq
IT probably removed them BECAUSE not enough people saw them/comented on them,but idk you should probably read what does under-judgement mean sińce its probably cuz people rejected IT/almost no one saw them,sorry if i'm not helpfull I am new to this site too
Oh okay, that makes a lot of sense actually thank you so much! ^^